Audition registration is closed!
If you missed the deadline, please email Dr. Laurie Hudicek (laurie.hudicek@loudounsymphony.org).
Save the date!
The 2024 Summer Orchestral Institute will be held
July 21 - 26, 2024.
Click here to join our mailing list so
you don't miss announcements about the
2024 Summer Orchestral Institute.
The 2024 Summer Orchestral Institute is over!
We were thrilled to be joined by these world-class clinicians!
Click here to join our mailing list so
you don't miss announcements about the
2025 Summer Orchestral Institute.

Pianist and guest soloist

Viola, Cello, and Bass Sectional Coach

Flute and Piccolo

Pianist and guest soloist
Refund Policy
Refunds will be given as follows:
Before July 18: 50% tuition refund
No refunds will be issued on or after July 18
Register by July 1 for FREE t-shirt
Primo Strings: $550
Intermediate Orchestra: $550
Advanced Honors Orchestra: $525
Audition Requirements
Audition Fee: $20.00
All musicians not currently in LSYO must audition. Click here to register to audition. Upon payment of the audition fee, you will receive a link to upload your audition, a video of a current solo piece or excerpt. While most students are accepted into the program, this will help with placement. Please submit your video audition within one week of paying the audition fee - and no later than midnight on July 1st (for Advanced Honors) or July 10th (for Primo Strings and Intermediate Orchestra).
For musicians currently in LSYO:
LSYO Philharmonic musicians do not need to audition.
LSYO Symphonic musicians...
...planning to attend the Intermediate Orchestral Program do not need to audition.
...wishing to be considered for Advanced Orchestra must audition.
LSYO String Orchestra musicians...
...do not need to audition for Primo Strings.
...wishing to be considered for Intermediate Orchestra must audition.
LSYO Prelude String and String Orchestra musicians do not need to audition for Primo Strings.
If you are currently an LSYO member and do not require an audition, click here to register.
Musicians who need to audition should submit a video recording of one solo that best demonstrates their technical and expressive performance ability. Please see descriptions of each level above.
Open auditions for the Summer Orchestral Institute are now closed. If you missed the deadline, please email Dr. Laurie Hudicek (laurie.hudicek@loudounsymphony.org).
Tuition is due two weeks after acceptance notification.
July 1: Advanced Honors Orchestra auditions are due. Preference will be give to auditions submitted by June 20.
July 10: Intermediate and Primo String auditions are due.
July 18: Registration and tuition due.
Sunday, July 21 - Friday, July 26, 2024
Stone Bridge High School
43100 Hay Road
Ashburn, VA 20147
July 21: Opening Day
5:15 PM: Check-in
5:30 PM: Welcome to all participants and overview of the Institute
6:00 - 7:15 PM: First rehearsal
July 22-26
See schedule for each ensemble below
July 26
7:00 PM: Closing Concert* featuring Dr. Justin Budgerow
*This is a ticketed event. All SOI participants will receive 2 complimentary tickets for family and friends. Children 12 and under are free.
The LSYO Orchestral Institute brings together world-class performers and young orchestral musicians from across Northern Virginia for a week of music-making and orchestral study. As a member of one of our three SOI ensembles – Primo Strings, Intermediate Orchestral Program, and Advanced Honors Orchestra Program – each musician will work with professional conductors, coaches, and performers to hone their orchestral and ensemble skills.
Questions about our Summer Orchestral Institute can be directed to Dr. Laurie Hudicek, Director, Educational Programming and Community Engagement, laurie.hudicek@loudounsymphony.org.

Pianist and guest soloist

Viola, Cello, and Bass Sectional Coach

Flute and Piccolo

Pianist and guest soloist
We are thrilled to be joined by these world-class clinicians!

Primo Strings Program
Ms. Sarah Geiger

Beginning string musicians of all ages with a minimum of one year of private or ensemble experience are invited to join us for a week of ensemble music exploration and performance.
The week revolves around orchestra rehearsal and preparation for a final concert. In addition to the formal rehearsals and sectionals, musicians will enjoy fun ensemble-oriented enrichment classes, learn audition skills and instrument care, and socialize with other musicians.
Current LSYO String Orchestra and Prelude String members do not need to audition. All other musicians are required to submit a virtual audition prior to registration.
Sectional Coaches
Samantha Oakley, violin
Lauren Haren, viola
Jennene Estes, cello/bass
Enrichment Instructors
July 21
5:15 PM: Check-in
5:30 PM: Welcome to all participants and overview of the Institute
6:00 - 7:15 PM: First rehearsal
July 22-25
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM: Rehearsal and enrichment activities
July 26
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Rehearsal and enrichment activities
TBD: Concert call time
7:00 PM: Closing Concert
Intermediate Orchestral Program
Mr. Robby Carroll

Young orchestral musicians of all ages with at least two years of ensemble experience are invited to join us for a week of orchestral music exploration and performance.
The week revolves around orchestra rehearsal and preparation for a final concert. In addition to the formal rehearsals and sectionals, musicians will enjoy fun ensemble-oriented enrichment classes and time to socialize with other musicians.
Current LSYO Symphonic and Philharmonic Orchestra members do not need to audition. All other musicians are required to submit a virtual audition prior to registration.
The following sections are now closed.
Sectional Coaches
Stephen Matthie, violin
Lauren Haren, viola
Jennene Estes, cello/bass
Bryan Fay, winds/brass
Aaron Bertoglio, percussion
Enrichment Instructors
Aaron Bertoglio
Huyen MacMichael, art
July 21
5:15 PM: Check-in
5:30 PM: Welcome to all participants and overview of the Institute
6:00 - 7:15 PM: First rehearsal
July 22-25
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM: Rehearsal and enrichment activities
July 26
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Rehearsal and enrichment activities
TBD: Concert call time
7:00 PM: Closing Concert
Advanced Honors Orchestra Program
Side-by-Side with Loudoun Symphony Orchestra Musicians
Dr. Hayden Denesha

In a unique student-professional collaborative opportunity, advanced orchestral musicians with at least four years of ensemble experience are invited to audition to join us for a week-long orchestra intensive, which culminates in a side-by-side concert with professional musicians from the Loudoun Symphony Orchestra and the DC metro area.
Musicians will study original orchestral works and will work closely with professional coaches during and outside of rehearsal in preparation for a side-by-side performance of Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue featuring pianist Justin Budgerow.
Current LSYO Philharmonic members do not need to audition. All other musicians are required to audition and will be notified of acceptance on a rolling basis.
Advanced Honors Orchestra is now CLOSED. If you would like to be placed on a waitlist, please email laurie.hudicek@loudounsymphony.org.
Featured Soloist
Dr. Justin Badgerow, piano
Featured Coaches and Performers
Dr. Jie Kim, LSO Concertmaster
Stephen Matthie, LSO Assistant Concertmaster
Lauren Haren, LSO Assistant Principal Viola
Michelle Choi, LSO Principal Cello
Daniel Murray, Guest Bassist
Michelle Rippey, LSO Flute and Piccolo
Megan Cassada, Guest Bassoonist
Dr. Daniel Twentey, LSO Principal Trombone
John Guido Vitullo, LSO Percussion
July 21
5:15 PM: Check-in
5:30 PM: Welcome to all participants and overview of the Institute
6:00 - 7:15 PM: First rehearsal
July 22-25
6:00 - 9:00 PM: Rehearsal and enrichment activities
July 26
TBD: Concert call time
7:00 PM: Closing Concert

Dr. Justin Badgerow
Sponsor our Summer Orchestral Institute
Does music matter to you? We invite you to support our young musicians who will be participating in the Summer Orchestral Institute. Click here to download a sponsorship form. Payments and artwork must be received by July 1, 2024 to be included in the program.
Listen to performances from
the 2023 Summer Orchestral Concert
Beginning String Orchestral Program
Advanced Orchestral Program
Intermediate Orchestral Program