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Which Institute are you enrolling in?

Student Information

Do you attend Academies or another program that takes you away from your home school?
Check for required fields and resubmit.


Tuition registration opens on 

April 27th.


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Tuition registration is closed!


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you don't miss any announcements!



All musicians not currently in LSYO must audition. Upon payment of the audition fee, you will receive a link to upload your audition, a video of a current solo piece or excerpt. While most students are accepted into the program, this will help with placement. Please submit your video audition within one week of paying the audition fee - and no later than midnight on July 1st (for Advanced Honors) or July 10th (for Primo Strings and Intermediate Orchestra).


For musicians currently in LSYO:


  • LSYO Philharmonic musicians do not need to audition.

  • LSYO Symphonic musicians...

    • ...planning to attend the Intermediate Orchestral Program do not need to audition.

    • ...wishing to be considered for Advanced Orchestra must audition.

  • LSYO String Orchestra musicians...

    • not need to audition for Primo Strings.

    • ...wishing to be considered for Intermediate Orchestra must audition.

  • LSYO Prelude String and String Orchestra musicians do not need to audition for Primo Strings.


If you require an audition, click here to register.


Please note: There are limited seats available for Advanced Honors Orchestra, and some instruments may not be available. Click here ​to see which seats are filled.

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